At OneMoreSong we offer an alternative to the standard class photo, with an inspiring and professional music video.
The powerful combination of song and video is a tried and tested route to emotions, memories and experiences, evidenced by the tears frequently shed by teachers, parents and pupils when watching one of our videos for the first time. In fact, it’s rare that we can get through the editing process ourselves without shedding a tear or two!
Benefits for your Pupils
Memories and celebration
Celebrate the unique bonds that occur in a class and create a lasting reminder of their time spent at school and the relationships they nurtured, that they can watch time and time again.
Nurture abilities
Our songs and videos can showcase musical, dance, gymnastic, artistic and sporting talents, abilities not quantifiable by exam results.
School transition
Our finished product can help children in school transition, giving them a strong audio-visual route to memory and tangible link to their former classmates.
Benefits for your School
Showcase your school
Showcase the years of teaching, nurturing and hard work by of your staff and give the public an insight into your school community and environment.
Boost your online presence
There’s no escaping that the internet is the first port of call for information, we can help make sure that the first impression is a vibrant video showing your happy and thriving students.
We understand that there are various reasons children are not able to appear in online media, but that doesn’t mean they have to miss out. We can work with you to find ways of including their input in a way which is both meaningful for them, whilst being appropriate and safe for their personal situation.

Susan and Adam are creative geniuses!! Their videos are inspiring and truly brilliant, what they are able to get the children to do and their ability to capture it in this format is powerful.

It is a really good song and really catchy.
It will reinforce the online safety message in a fun way.

I love the video! I think it’s going to work perfectly in what I do.